This book covers the design of main reinforced concrete structural members in accordance with the limit states design method, and is based on the new CSA Standard A23.3-04 Design of Concrete Structures. The load provisions are consistent with the National Building Code of Canada 2005. The material in this book is presented in the logical order in which structural design would be performed in practice. The book takes a non-calculus based, practical approach to the analysis and design of reinforced concrete members, rather than a high-level theoretical approach. The authors use modern analysis and design procedures that are consistent with good design practice, teaching, research, and consulting experience related to structural design and rehabilitation of concrete and masonry structures, including buildings, municipal and industrial facilities.

John Pao, MEng, PEng, Struct.Eng, is the President of Bogdonov Pao Associates Ltd. of Vancouver, BC, and BPA Group of Companies with offices in Seattle and Los Angeles. Mr. Pao has extensive consulting experience related to design of reinforced concrete buildings, including high-rise residential and office buildings, shopping centers, parking garages, and institutional buildings..
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