Worked Example to Eurocode 2

Worked Example to Eurocode 2

Eurocodes are one of the most advanced suite of structural codes in the world. They
embody the collective experience and knowledge of whole of Europe. They are born
out of an ambitious programme initiated by the European Union. With a wealth of
code writing experience in Europe, it was possible to approach the task in a rational
and logical manner. Eurocodes reflect the results of research in material technology
and structural behaviour in the last fifty years and they incorporate all modern trends
in structural design.

For writing a Eurocode, like EC-2, another important condition applies. International
consensus had to be reached, but not on the cost of significant concessions with regard to
quality. A lot of effort was invested to achieve all those goals.
It is a rule for every project, that it should not be considered as finalized if
implementation has not been taken care of. This book may, further to courses and
trainings on a national and international level, serve as an essential and valuable
contribution to this implementation. It contains extensive background information on the
recommendations and rules found in EC2. It is important that this background
information is well documented and practically available, as such increasing the
transparency. I would like to thank my colleagues of the Project Team, especially Robin
Whittle, Bo Westerberg, Hugo Corres and Konrad Zilch, for helping in getting together
all background information. Also my colleague Giuseppe Mancini and his Italian team
are gratefully acknowledged for providing a set of very illustrative and practical working
examples. Finally I would like to thank CEMBURAU, BIBM, EFCA and ERMCO for
their initiative, support and advice to bring out this publication.


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