Proper laboratory testing of soils to determine their physical properties is an integral part in
the design and construction of structural foundations, the placement, and improvement of soil
properties and the specification and quality control of soil compaction works. It needs to be
kept in mind that natural soil deposits often exhibit a high degree of inhomogeneity. The
physical properties of a soil deposit can change to a great extent even within a few hundred
feet. The fundamental theoretical and empirical equations that are developed in soil
mechanics can be properly used in practice if, and only if, the physical parameters used in
those equations are properly evaluated in the laboratory. So, learning to perform laboratory
tests of soils play an important role in the geotechnical engineering profession.

In the classroom laboratory, most experiments described herein will probably be conducted
in small groups. However, the laboratory report should be written by each. student
individually. This is one way for students to improve their technical writing skills. Each
the report should contain:
1. Cover page-This page should include the title of the experiment, name, and date on
which the experiment was performed.
2. Following the cover page, the items listed below should be included in the body of
the report:
a. Purpose of the experiment
b. Equipment used
c. A schematic diagram of the main equipment used
d. A brief description of the test procedure
3. Results-This should include the data sheet(s), sample calculations(s), and the
required graph( s).
4. Conclusion-A discussion of the accuracy of the test procedure should be included
in the conclusion, along with any possible sources of error.


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